New Home Construction
All residential construction shall be permitted by Panola County. A minimum of one (1) acre lot size is required. All contractors and sub-contractors shall be licensed by the Mississippi State Board of Contractors. MS State Board Of Contractors
New residential wastewater disposal systems (SEWER SYSTEM) require MS State Dept. of Health permit. Follow this link to apply: MSDH Wastewater Application
Existing residential wastewater disposal systems (SEWER SYSTEM) will be inspected for compliance by Panola County, unless applicant request Dept. of Health inspection
Local Licensed Wastewater Installers
Documents Needed To Purchase A Building Permit:
1. Copy of property deed.
2. Copy of building plans.
3. Check, cash or card at the rate of $0.30 per heated sq ft $250.00 minimum. Sub-Contractor fees $75.00 each for Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC.
Temporary electrical service will be authorized with permit application.
Permanent electrical service will be authorized upon final inspection.
If ENTERGY is your service provider, you will need to provide your account number. ENTERGY
If TVEPA is your service provider a release will be sent after final inspection TVEPA
Contractor Licensing Ordinance
Residential Inspection Schedule
Current Adopted Codes 2012 International Residential Building Code