Planning / Zoning

Panola County Land Development Commission is authorized to implement and enforce certain land development standards and regulations which are adopted by the Board of Supervisors. All property reclassification’s, special exceptions, and variances shall be authorized by the land commission. The land commission meets the second Monday of each month. Applications shall be submitted to Panola County Land Development office 3 weeks prior to meeting. For Information call 662-563-6313

Application Fee $100 cash or check only.  Signs are provided for Special Exceptions and Variances , signs are (NOT) provided for Property Reclassifications.

Property Reclassification Application 

Variance or Special Exception Application

Reclassification Sign Requirements

Land Development Standards and  Regulations

Land Use District Ordinance

Zoning Map

Solar Ordinance

Radio and Communication Tower Regulations




Current Commissioners

  1.  Chairman – Kirk Rowsey
  2.  Vice Chairman – Danny Holland
  3.  Secretary – Arlene Wilson
  4.  Myrte Price
  5.  Mark Lipscomb
  6.  Verna Hunter
  7.  Chris Fairlee
  8.  Mike Smith
  9.  Wanda Carmichael
  10.  Mark Lipscomb